

Here are few tips to make your New Year’s Resolutions work:

1. First rate your motivation to undertake the resolution. How desperate are you in seeking it? Take some time to work this out. This decides the probability of your success in keeping up with your resolution.

2. Then switch on your imagination and imagine yourself doing what you have resolved to do. This will motivate you.

3. Get your best buddy to do a reality check on your plan. You both brainstorm together the barriers to the intended plan. How you are going to break through them etc.

4. Your strategy comes next. Break your long-term goals into smaller simple short term goals. For instance, if losing weight is the goal, then make it a yearlong plan. Break into smaller components one at a time. First start off with getting active. Do it for a month. Then add the next component maybe a small diet change to it. Keeping making he changes gradually and give good time to get used to each change. Be assured that by the year end, there would have been a noticeable change.

5. Let your short –term plans be dynamic. Periodically review, assess and re-orient them to match with the demands of reality.

Remember that failures are OK. It is the attempts that matter. In fact failure gives you a reality check on what matters most for you. As Churchill put it, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” So keep up the enthusiasm and ENJOY what you are doing. Share your success stories with us.