How do you contain the spread of Dengue?
Dengue cannot be spread directly from person to person. However, a person infected and suffering from dengue fever can infect other mosquitoes. Your participation is very important. Avoid clear water stagnation, avoid rubbish and mosquitoes breeding grounds. I WOULD STRONGLY URGE PEOPLE TO PARTICIPATE IN IMPLEMENTING HYGIENE rather than merely talk about lack of it.
In fact, the community participation is the key to dengue prevention. As every household participates and reduces mosquitoes density, the transmission rate will decrease.
Use physical barriers for mosquitoes like using mosquito nets, wearing covered clothing etc.
Minimize the use of repellants as they might trigger allergies.
How do you handle once you get the illness?
Get in touch with your Dr, who would order test from designated labs. Your Dr would prescribe medications to treat the fever and handle you symptomatically. Do not self -check platelets counts yourself. Your Dr would advise as and when needed.
There is no vaccine or specific medication for dengue fever.
Patients should rest and drink plenty of fluids. Paracetamol can be taken to bring down fever and reduce joint pains. However, aspirin or ibuprofen should not be taken since they can increase the risk of bleeding.
We are armed with better knowledge now and can tackle dengue better now. But you need to have proper medical care.
So remember we can do a lot to reduce DENGUE DANGER